Healthy and Delicious Fodniche Varan
Fodniche varan is an easy and healthy recipe. In any of the seasons be it summer or winter or rainy, fondiche varan, bhaat and ghee is just fantastic menu. This is a very easy and simple recipe. We already have seen different dal, aamti and varan recipes. This is yet another simple and delicious addition to the list. I will give lot many tips and tricks to make homogenous and yummy varan. You can try this recipe at home and drop a comment for me.
This is a very easy and simple recipe. It doesn’t need too many ingredients. You can make it from very few ingredients those are readily available in your pantry. This is a healthy recipe as dal is a rich source of proteins. This is one of the good source of proteins for vegetarians. There are different variations of this dal or varan. We daily make varan or aamti or dal. Once you should try this recipe.

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- Fodaniche Varan – Marathi Recipe
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- Malvan special Vatpachi Godi Dal – Marathi Recipe
Some Interesting facts about Healthy and Delicious Fodniche Varan :-
This is a a very easy and simple recipe. Varan or dal is a regular recipe at every house hold. Every house has its own method of making varan. Today’s recipe is so simple that you can call this righteous food. This can be a good change to your regular dal. It is nutritious recipe and comfort food. This looks nice and tastes simply delicious.

Recipe Video
This is a very easy and simple recipe. It looks nice and tastes just awesome. It is healthy and nutritious recipe. This is comfort food. You can have it as soup or it goes fantastic with steaming hot soft rice.