Quick Side Dish Tikhmithale
Tikhmithale or green chili chutney or dahyatali hirvi mirchi is a traditional recipe. It is a real quick side dish. This can be made from very few ingredients those are readily available in your pantry. You can store this in freeze. It looks nice and tastes simply delicious. You can call this as green chili bharit too. You can try this recipe at home and drop a comment for me.
This is a very easy and simple recipe. It doesn’t need too many ingredients. You can make it from very few ingredients those are readily available in your pantry. It is a real quick recipe. If you want something simple and quick side dish then this is the best option. This is traditional recipe that is forgotten. Let’s revive it. You can call it green chili chutney too. You can make variations in this recipe according to your taste. Let’s start…

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- Maharashtrian Hirvya Mirchicha Thecha – Marathi Recipe
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Some Interesting facts about Quick Side Dish Tikhmithale :-
This is a a very easy and simple recipe. This is a traditional forgotten recipe. It is also known as thikhati at some places. It is a real quick. All you have to do is roast the chilies, blend few ingredients with it and add tadka. If you want to have something zanzanit then this is the best option for you. It looks nice and tastes simply delicious.

Recipe Video
This is a very easy and simple recipe. It looks nice and tastes just awesome. It is a real quick recipe. You can call this dahyatali hirvi mirchi too. This is a perfect side dish.