Maharashtrian Hirvya Mirchicha Thecha
Hirvya mirchicha thecha is a traditional Maharashtrian side dish recipe. You can from very few and basic ingredients and it is an excellent side dish. It specially goes well with any bhakari. Thecha, bhakari and kanda is one of the simplest lunch menus. We are making it in traditional way means using mortar and pestle. I will be giving few tips also during the recipe. You can try this recipe at home. It is a very easy and simple recipe. It looks nice and tastes delicious.
Today we are making thecha in mortar and pestle. The taste of thecha is altogether different form the one that we make in mixer or food processor. It is tastier. The taste of green chilies, flavor of garlic will sure add lot of excitement to your meal. You can store it in freeze for about 2-3 days. Do you want to know more? Let’s start…

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Some Interesting facts about Maharashtrian Hirvya Mirchicha Thecha:-
This is a a very easy and simple recipe. It is an age old recipe. If you use mortar and pestle for making thecha then it tastes far better than the one that is made in mixer. It is a good side dish and a perfect combination with bhakari. It need patience but the end result is worth all the efforts.

Recipe Video
This is an instant and easy recipe. This is a very simple and quick one. It is a Maharashtrian delicious side dish recipe. You can serve it with any bhakari.