Holi special Malvani Malpoli
Malpoli is a Malvan special recipe. This is a Holi recipe of Konkan. It is also known as malpole. This is traditional forgotten recipe. This is a very easy and simple recipe. You can make it on any other day than holi too. You can serve it as breakfast or pack in the lunch box for kids. It doesn’t need too many ingredients. You can make it from very few ingredients those are readily available in your pantry. It is healthy and tasty recipe. You can try this recipe at home and drop a comment for me.
This is a very easy and simple recipe. You can serve this as breakfast or pack it for your kids’ lunch box. This is a healthy and tasty recipe. It is so simple recipe that you can make in in a jiffy. This is an Indian version of pancakes. I am sure you are eager to know more. Let’s start…

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Some Interesting facts about Holi special Malvani Malpoli :-
This is traditional Konkani or Malvani recipe. It is a holi special recipe. As it is forgotten recipe let’s make it and let’s keep our recipes and traditions alive. Customs and transitions change according to the area where you live so do the eating habits. In old days people used to make festive recipes from the ingredients those were readily available in the kitchen. Malpoli is one such simple recipe that tastes nice and looks tempting. We have already seen lot many Konkani recipes. This is yet another addition to your list.

Recipe Video
This is a traditional forgotten recipe. It is made on the occasion of Holi in Malvan or in Konkan. It looks nice and tastes delicious. You can serve it with milk or lot of ghee.