Vidarbha special Aamras Aayte

By: MadhurasRecipe
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Vidarbha special Aamras Aayte

Vidarbha special Aamras Aayte

Aamras aayte is a Vidarbha special recipe. Aayte are made from rice. These are similar to ghavane or amboli. We are using a shortcut to make aayte. Traditionally rice is soaked overnight then blended and aayet are made from that batter. These turn out nice, crispy and get that perfect perforated texture. We are making aamras in traditional way. It is a very easy and simple recipe. You can try this recipe at home and drop a comment for me.

Marathwada special menu is Jwariche dhirde and aamras. Summer is the season for mangoes. Aamras is made in this season. One must have aamras at least once in this season. You can have it with puri or chapati or fulka or dhirde too. I am sure you will love the recipe. Are you eager to know more? Let’s start with the recipe…

Amras Ayte
  1. AamRas – Marathi Recipe
  2. Akshay Tritiya Special Thali – Marathi Recipe
  3. Summer special Hakli Fulki Thali – Marathi Recipe
  4. Healthy Breakfast Jwariche Dhirde – Marathi Recipe
  5. Ghavane – Marathi Recipe

Some Interesting facts about Vidarbha special Aamras Aayte :-

This is yet another simple and delicious recipe. In this we are making aamras in traditional way and using a short cut to make aayte. You can use any mango to make aamras but Alphanso mango is the best option. It is my personal favorite. We already have seen lot many mango recipes. This is yet another delicious addition to the list.

Ghavan ani aamras
Vidarbha special Aamras Aayte

Vidarbha special Aamras Aayte

Print Recipe
Serves: 3 People Preparation Time: Cooking Time:
Nutrition facts: 200 Calories 20 grams Fat
Rating: 4.5/5
( 2 Votes )



  • 2 Alphonso Mangoes
  • Sugar as needed


  • 2~3 Garlic cloves
  • 2~3 Green chilies
  • 1 tsp Cumin seeds
  • 1 cup Rice flour
  • Salt to taste
  • Water as needed
  • Oil

Aamras ani ghavan



Step 1: Soak mangoes for at least 5 minutes in water and dry well.

Step 2: Press the mangoes carefully from all sides to make them soft and squeeze out all the pulp from it.

Step 3: Add sugar and beat the pulp well with the help of wooden whisk.

Step 4: Let the sugar dissolve into the pulp and aamras is ready.


Step 5: Blend garlic, green chilies, cumin seeds into coarse paste in mortar and pestle and thecha is ready.

Step 6: .In a bowl mix rice flour, the thecha, salt well together and add a little water at a time to make pouring consistency batter.

Step 7: Heat up a skillet on medium heat and grease it well with oil. Wipe the oil with a tissue paper.

Step 8: Mix the batter well once and make aayte from it.

Step 9: Cover and cook for just about 30 seconds.

Step 10: Remove the lid and roast the aayte well from lower side.

Step 11: When aayte are roasted well from lower side flip them over and roast well from other side too.

Step 12: When aatye are roasted well from both sides take them off on a wire rack.

Step 13: Aayte are ready. Serve them with aamras.


  • You can cut the mangoes into pieces and blend the pulp in mixer if you don’t want to follow above said process.
  • You can use mixer to make thecha.
  • You can wash rice well and soak them overnight. Next morning blend the soaked rice and use that batter to make aayte.

Recipe Video


This is a very easy and simple recipe. These aayte turn out nice, crispy and gets perfect textute. We are making instant version of aayte and making aamras in traditional way. Serve aamras with hot aayte.

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