Winter special 2 Types of Tea

By: MadhurasRecipe
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Winter special 2 Types of Tea

Winter special 2 Types of Tea

Though recipe says winter special you can have it in any season. Tea is an integral part of our daily life. As they say in Marathi ” चहाला वेळ नसते पण वेळेला चहाच लागतो” is all true. Let it be monsoon or winter, tea is enjoyed in every season. Today we are making 2 types of tea, viz alyacha kadak chaha and another velchi chaha. I will be sharing few tips to make perfect flavored tea. This is very easy and simple recipe. You can try this recipe at home and drop a comment for me.

Everybody has his/her own favorite flavor of tea so is the style of making!! The tea lovers can enjoy tea at any time of the day of any season. If you are suffering from cold or sour throat then having hot tea is a quick remedy. We already have seen tea recipes also tea masala and masala chai recipe. These two recipes are testy addition to the list. I will give lot many tips and tricks to make perfect tea.

2 tea recipes
  1. Chaha Masala – Marathi Recipe
  2. Thick and Creamy Basundi Chaha – Marathi Recipe
  3. Healthy and Tasty Gulacha Chaha – Marathi Recipe
  4. Creamy Thick Cold Coffee – Marathi Recipe
  5. Thick Coffee – Marathi Recipe

Some Interesting facts about Winter special 2 Types of Tea :-

This is a very easy and simple recipe. One can have tea at any time of the day. These teas look nice and taste simply delicious. For the perfect tea it should have perfect color, texture and flavor. These define the goodness of the tea. There are different types of tea that you can make. But the most common of them are ginger tea and cardamom tea. Let’s make those recipes.

Tea recipe
Winter special 2 Types of Tea

Winter special 2 Types of Tea

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Serves: 3 People Preparation Time: Cooking Time:
Nutrition facts: 200 Calories 20 grams Fat
Rating: 4.5/5
( 2 Votes )


Alyacha Chaha

  • 1 cup Water
  • 1 tsp Tea powder
  • 2 tsp Sugar
  • 1” grated Ginger
  • 1/2 cup Milk

Velchi Chaha

  • 1 cup Water
  • 1 tsp Tea powder
  • 2 tsp Sugar
  • 2~3 Cardamom
  • 1/2 cup Milk

chai recipe


Aalyacha Chaha

Step 1: Heat up water and bring it to boil.

Step 2: When water begins to boil add tea powder, sugar.

Step 3: Add grated ginger and boil tea for about 2 minutes.

Step 4: Add milk and bring it to boil again.

Step 5: Do not stir the mixture. Just boil it.

Step 6: Strain the tea and alyacha chaha is  ready.

Velchi Chaha

Step 7: Heat up water and bring it to boil.

Step 8: When water begins to boil add tea powder, sugar.

Step 9: Peel the cardamom and pound it into powder in mortar and pestle.

Step 10: Add the velchi skin into boiling tea.

Step 11: When the tea boils well add milk, cardamom powder.

Step 12: Boil the tea well and strain it.  Velchi chaha is all ready.


  • If you add ginger after adding milk or just before adding milk tea gets curdled.
  • To avoid this add ginger while tea is boiling before adding milk.
  • If you boil cardamom with tea then the it won’t get the flavour.
  • If you overcook any spice its flavour is removed.
  • So never add cardamom while boiling tea.

Recipe Video


This is a very easy and simple recipe. Many people have tea at any time of the day. These look tempting and tastes just awesome. Enjoy these 2 types tea whenever you feel like.

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