Traditional Maharashtiran Puranpoli Thali
Puranpoli thali is a Holi special recipe. Puranpoli is a traditional Maharashtiran delicacy. This is Holi special recipe but it is also made on many auspicious occasions too. Puranpoli thali is a multistep process. It takes a lot of time. Today we will see all these process step by step. I am trying to quicken up the whole process and we are not blending the puran in puranpoli recipe. You can try this recipe at home.
Puran poli is the main recipe for Holi in Maharashtra. It is made on other auspicious occasions too. This thali has many ingredients, Working parallely and saving time is the main purpose behind this video. I will try to minimize your time for cooking and at the same time making all the dishes perfectly. What are we waiting for then? Let’s start with the recipe.

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Some Interesting facts about Traditional Maharashtiran Puranpoli Thali :-
There are many dishes in puran poli thali like varan bhat, batata bhaji, katachi amti, puranpoli, talan etc. We are not using garlic or onion in these recipes. You can call this as satvik food. I have tried to make the puran poli recipe easy and simple. I do hope you will appreciate all efforts.

Recipe Video
This thali looks colorful and tastes just awesome. I have tried to reduce the time of cooking. Serve all these hot and with lot of ghee.
good thali good recipe