Kolache Pohe
Kolache pohe is a traditional Konkani recipe. This is mainly made in south Konkan. This is a very easy and simple recipe that tastes just awesome. This can be a good breakfast recipe and a real quick one. You can keep pohe ready and garnish them while serving. This is one of my favorite recipes. You can try this recipe at home. This is a very healthy and testy recipe that can be made in a jiffy.
Kolache pohe are made in every house hold as breakfast recipe regularly in South Konkan. Coconut milk being easily available there it is the most common recipe. This is a real quick recipe.

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Some Interesting facts about Kolache Pohe :-
Kolache pohe is a testy and healthy recipe. You can keep these pohe ready before hand and assemble at the time of serving. If you are bored of having the same breakfast or want some change then this is the perfect recipe. Coconut milk and tamarind-jaggery pulp takes the taste to next level.

Recipe Video
Keep the pohe ready before hand and assemble at the time of serving. You can adjust the quantity of coconut milk according to your taste. These taste tangy, sweet and pungent too.