Upwas special Sabudana Batata Papad

By: MadhurasRecipe
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easy Sabudana matata papad

Upwas special Sabudana Batata Papad

These sabudana batata papad are also known as pali papad. Here is a summer special recipe, sabudana batata papad. This is a very easy and simple recipe. This recipe is a little different made easy. Batata helps the papad to puff up well and makes it testier. We are adding chili flavor and these puff up really good on frying. You can have these for fasting and on other days too. You can try this recipe at home.

I have already have shown few summer special recipes like papad, papdya, kurdai, sandge etc. We call these as summer special recipes because these are make during summer, dried well and stored over a year. These papad look nice and taste just awesome. You can have them on other days than fasting too. Will you like to try this recipe? What are we waiting for then? Let’s start.

Sabudana batata papad
  1. Upwas special Arrowroot Papad – Marathi Recipe
  2. Sabudana papdya – Marathi Recipe
  3. Upwas special Arrowroot Papad – Marathi Recipe
  4. Sabudana Papdi – Marathi Recipe
  5. Sabudana Batata Chakali – Marathi Recipe

Some Interesting facts about Upwas special Sabudana Batata Papad :-

This is a very easy and simple recipe. Addition of chili flakes takes this recipe to new level. sabudana batata papad look nice and taste just awesome. These papad puff up really good on frying. This is a fasting special recipe.

Upwas Sabudana batata papad

easy Sabudana matata papad

Upwas special Sabudana Batata Papad

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Serves: 3 People Preparation Time: Cooking Time:
Nutrition facts: 200 Calories 20 grams Fat
Rating: 4.5/5
( 2 Votes )


  • 1 cup Sabudana
  • 5 cups Water
  • Salt to taste
  • 2 medium size Potatoes
  • Chili flakes
  • 1 tsp Cumin seeds


Step 1: Wash sabudana really good 3-4 times with water and soak it in enough water overnight.

Step 2: Heat up water in a pot and bring it to boil.

Step 3: Turn the gas to low heat and add salt, soaked sabudana.

Step 4: Cook on medium heat stirring continuously for at least 7-8 minutes.

Step 5: Peel the potatoes and grate into long shreds.

Step 6: When the sabudana is cooked well and mixture begins to thicken up, squeeze out as much water as possible from the potatoes and transfer them into the mixture.

Step 7: Mix well and cook the mixture on medium heat for at least 7-8 minutes.

Step 8: When potatoes cook well and mixture thickens up really good add chili flakes, cumin seeds and mix well.

Step 9: Turn off the gas and rest the mixture for about 5 minutes.

Step 10: Take ladleful mixture and spread it on polythene paper to make papad.

Step 11: Sundry the papad under hot sun for a day.

Step 12: When the papad are a little wet at the center, flip them over and dry well under hot sun. Sabudana batata papad are all ready.


  • You can add finely chopped green chili in place of chili flakes.
  • You can make around 40 medium size papad from the above proportion.

Recipe Video


This is a a fasting special recipe. These are made during summer and stored over a year. You can fry them and have not only during fast but on other days too.

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