Quick and Easy Shraddhachi Kheer

By: MadhurasRecipe
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Shraddhachi Kheer

For piturpaksha the main recipe is tandalachi kheer. So far we have seen 2-3 recipe of tandalachi kheer or rice kheer. Here is another version, quick rice kheer. This kheer is made in different ways at different places. Today we will how is it made in our home. It need very few ingredients and is a real quick recipe. You can have it one any other day too. You can try this recipe at home.

This shraddhachi kheer is a real quick and easy recipe. You need very few ingredients for this recipe those are easily available in your pantry. This kheer tastes just awesome and you can prepare it on any other day throughout the year.

  1. Tandalachi Kheer – Marathi Recipe
  2. Shevai Kheer – Marathi Recipe
  3. Gavhachi Kheer – Marathi Recipe
  4. Traditional Shraddhachya Bhajya – Marathi Recipe
  5. Pitrupaksha Recipes – Marathi Recipe

Some Interesting facts about Shraddhachi Kheer :-

Shraddhachi kheer is made in different ways at different places. The recipes differ from house to house or place to place. Today we will see how this kheer is made at my place. I am using Indrayani rice. You can use any other rice like Basamati or Ambemohor or any other rice that you use regularly.

Shraddhachi kheer

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Serves: 2 People Preparation Time: Cooking Time:
Nutrition facts: 200 Calories 20 grams Fat
Rating: 5.0/5
( 1 Votes )


  • 1/2 liter full cream or full fat Milk
  • 1 tbsp Rice
  • A little Water
  • 2~3 tsp grated fresh Coconut
  • 2 tsp Chironji
  • 1/4 cup Sugar
  • Cardamom powder


Step 1: Heat up milk on medium heat.

Step 2: Wash rice really good 2-3 times and transfer in into a blender jar.

Step 3: Add a little water and blend it coarse.

Step 4: When milk begins to boil, add the rice paste and mix well.

Step 5: Cook on medium heat for about 10-12 minutes.

Step 6: After cooking for about 10 minutes, when rice softens add fresh coconut, chironji, sugar and mix well.

Step 7: Cook everything together for another 5-6 minutes.

Step 8: Add cardamom powder and mix well.

Step 9: Turn off the gas tandalachi kheer is all ready.

Step 10: You can serve this kheer as it is or chilled too.


  • You can serve this kheer as it is or chilled too.

Recipe Video


Tandalachi kheer tastes just awesome and easy to make. You can serve as it is or chilled too. This recipe is very easy to make and a real quick recipe.

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