Easy, Quick Motichoor Ladoo
Easy and quick motichoor ladoo is today’s recipe. Motichoor ladoo is one of favorite Diwali recipe. Making motichoor ladoo needs lot of efforts like frying boondi, making syrup and then ladoos. But today we are making ladoos without making boondi. These look perfectly like motichoor ladoo and taste the same. These turn out nice juicy and yummy. Use of least ghee is another speciality of this recipe. You can try this recipe.
Making ladoos in Diwali is a must part and enjoying this festival with our near and dear ones is out tradition. Diwali is the festival of lights and celebration. We already have seen lot many ladoo recipes like rava ladoo, pakatale rava ladoo, zatpat rava ladoo, besan ladoo, rava besan ladoo, Govind ladoo, etc. This is delicious and new, easy addition to the list.

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- Quick Easy Govind Ladoo – Marathi Recipe
- Pakatale Rava Ladoo – Marathi Recipe
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- 4 Types Ladoo – Marathi Recipe
Some Interesting facts about Easy and quick Motichoor ladoo :-
We are not frying boondi or making syrup for this motichoor ladoo. This is a very easy ans quick recipe. These ladoos look just like the motichoor ladoo and taste just awesome.

Recipe Video
These motichoor ladoo look perfectly like the ladoos those we get in any sweet mart and taste fantastic. These are very easy to make and is a quick recipe.