Hariyali Pavbhaji
Pavbhaji is a very common recipe in many households. It has been a very regular recipe. We already have seen 2-3 pavbhaji recipes. But today’s recipe is a little different. Yes, as the name suggests, it is delicious hariyali pavbhaji. We are making changes to it to make healthier. Hariyali pavbhaji turns out delicious and testy. You can try this recipe at home.
Pavbhaji is a most common recipe in every households now a days. But if you are bored of having the same pavbhaji and looking for some change then this is the perfect recipe. It not only looks good but tastes just fantastic. Kids will definitely love it.

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Some Interesting facts about Hariyali pav Bhaji :-
Hariyali pav bhaji as the name suggests is green in color but tastes perfectly like pav bhaji. It is very easy and simple recipe that can be made in very short time.

Recipe Video
You can serve hot pavbhaji with slightly roasted pav in butter. Serve with butter, finely chopped onion and a slice of lemon. It can be a one dish meal too.
Recipe is really good and nice alternative to regular pav bhaji
Thanks and Keep watching.