Til Papdi

By: MadhurasRecipe
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Til Papdi

Til papdi is a winter special or Sankrant special recipe. This is made from sesame seeds and sugar. You can have it any time whenever you feel like having something sweet. Enjoy this delicious recipe and write to me. You also can like, share and subscribe.

Til Papdi
Til Papdi

Til Papdi

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Nutrition facts: 200 Calories 20 grams Fat
Rating: 5.0/5
( 1 Votes )


  • 1 cup White sesame seeds
  • 1/2 cup Sugar
  • Cardamom powder
  • 1/4 tsp Nut meg powder
  • Ghee


  • Heat up a pan on medium heat.
  • Add sesame seeds until these turn nice golden.
  • Roast the sesame seeds on medium heat only stirring continuously. Do not roast on high heat.
  • Take the sesame seeds out into a dish.
  • Lower the heat to lowest possible temperature.
  • Add sugar in the pan. Spread the sugar evenly into the pan.
  • Cook the sugar untouched or undisturbed for at least 3-4 minutes.
  • When sugar begins to melt and gets nice golden color stir it so that the sugar will evenly melt.
  • After about 2 minutes of cooking, all sugar will be dissolved.
  • Add cardamom powder and nut meg powder.
  • Mix well quickly and turn off the gas.
  • Add roasted sesame seeds and mix quickly. Mix everything well together quickly.
  • Take 2 spoons of equal size.
  • Take some mixture and try to give it round shape by transferring it from one spoon to other.
  • Grease wax paper and rolling pin with ghee really good.
  • You can use any dish greased well with ghee instead of wax paper.
  • Take the mixture in hand and roll it into small round.
  • Put the ball on wax paper and roll it into a disc as thin as possible.
  • You have to be very quick during this all process.
  • Once the mixture cools down it will be very difficult to roll it into disc.
  • You can keep the mixture on lowest possible heat until the process in going on so that it won’t dry out.
  • You can grease the wax paper and rolling pin well with ghee at the intervals.
  • Til papdi is already.


  • You can use jaggery instead of sugar. Use dark jaggery or chikkicha gudh only.
  • You can add 1 tbsp water along with sugar into the pan and cook until it turns nice golden.
  • If you don’t have induction cook top then put the skillet on which you make rotis on gas on lowest possible setting and put the pan of til papdi on it.

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